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God vs Money

2018 | Winning Strategies in the Combat Zone

Stop falling for Money's false promises, and trust in God's promises. Help those you lead do the same. It's hard to compete against money's influence in our society - and on your congregation. As a pastor, not only must you continually remind yourself to trust in God's promises instead of falling for money's false assurances; you must also lead your church to do the same. God vs. Money offers practical, up-to-date, expert advice on how to face this challenge, including chapters on how to preach about giving, the theology of giving, and the importance of budgeting. Designed for long-time leaders as well as for those who are new to church leadership, this is an especially important resource to reference as you prepare for your yearly giving campaign.

Speakers:J. Clif Christopher

Topics:Faith & Finance

Source:Abingdon Press

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