Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Jesus calling the first disciples.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Jesus calling Levi.
Big Faith invites you to explore Zacchaeus’ encounter with Jesus.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of the woman at the well.
Big Faith invites you to explore the Last Supper.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem.
Big Faith invites you to explore Easter.
Big Faith invites you to explore of Thomas’ encounter with Jesus.
Big Faith invites you to explore the Golden Rule.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Jesus and the children.
Big Faith invites you to explore the parable of the good Samaritan.
Big Faith invites you to explore the parable of the forgiving father.
Abigail invites children to explore Lent by asking God for what we need.
Abigail invites children to explore Lent through asking God for what brings us closer to God and our communities.
Abigail invites children to explore Lent through the story of the Last Supper.
Abigail invites children to explore asking God for help through prayer.
Samuel invites children to explore Holy Week through the story of Peter’s denial.
Samuel invites children to explore Holy Week through the story of Palm Sunday.
Samuel invites children to explore Holy Week through the story of Easter.
Samuel invites children to explore Holy Week through the story of Jesus and his disciples sharing breakfast on the beach.
Carly invites children to explore proclaiming by using their words to spread God’s love.
Carly invites children to explore proclaiming about their faith in difficult situations.
Carly invites children to explore proclaiming their faith by sharing about ways to show God’s love to others.
Carly invites children to explore proclaiming their faith through their actions.
Carly invites children to explore proclaiming their faith as a leader.
Children will explore families in the Bible, learn how today's faith families care for children as they grow, build loving relationships, and find out what it m...
Used in Winter 2022. Children will explore families in the Bible, learn how today's faith families care for children as they grow, build loving relationships, a...
Used in Winter 2023. Children will explore families in the Bible, learn how today's faith families care for children as they grow, build loving relationships, a...
Faith in Community
Immerse your children in faith with our engaging video series! Join animated hosts as they navigate everyday experiences while introducing a related retelling o...
Learning Through a Lens of Wonder
Through carefully-selected Bible stories, songs, videos, and hands-on activities, Celebrate Wonder gives children the tools to explore their faith while incorpo...
Used in Winter 2021. Children will explore families in the Bible, learn how today's faith families care for children as they grow, build loving relationships, a...
Big Faith invites you to explore God’s good news for Elizabeth and Zechariah.
Big Faith invites you to explore God’s good news for Mary.
Big Faith invites you to explore God’s good news for Joseph.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of the birth of Jesus.
Big Faith invites you to explore how the good news of Jesus is for all people.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of the magi.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt.
Big Faith invites you to explore the Israelites building a place to worship God.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Jesus’ transformation.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Peter’s prison escape.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Jesus’ visit with Martha and Mary.
Big Faith invites you to explore Jesus’ teaching about the widow’s offering.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Tabitha and Peter.
Samuel invites children to explore responding to God’s presence while waiting in Advent.
Samuel invites children to explore experiencing God’s presence in other people during Advent.
Samuel invites children to explore waiting for God’s presence during Advent.
Samuel helps children understand that Jesus’ birth was the start of God’s presence in their journey, not the end.
Abigail invites children to explore Jesus’ journey of learning about his faith.
Abigail invites children to explore Jesus’ journey to baptism.
Abigail invites children to explore Jesus’ journey through a difficult part of his faith.
Abigail invites children to explore Jesus’ journey through a disagreement during his faith journey.
Abigail invites children to explore Jesus’ journey of helping by healing others through his faith.
Carly invites children to wonder about faith through a story about making a way when things seem impossible.
Carly invites children to wonder about faith through a story about a time Jesus when broke rules.
Carly invites children to wonder about faith through a story about love of community and being brave enough to ask for help.
Carly invites children to wonder about faith through a story about faith when it seems like there is no hope.
Each session’s video features an animated life application scenario and a retelling of the Bible story. Children will enjoy exploring faith concepts in the co...
Big Faith invites you to explore the ways God makes each of us special.
Big Faith invites you to explore the ways God calls each of us to be helpers.
Big Faith invites you to explore the ways God’s grace makes things new.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Noah.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Abraham moving to Canaan.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of God promising a son to Sarah.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Jacob’s dream.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of God providing for the Israelites.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of David and Abigail.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of the woman with miraculous jars of oil.
Big Faith invites you to explore the story of Daniel’s wise choices.
Today Kat, Asia, Caleb, and Edgar are talking about money. Let's watch and see what happens.
A weekly adventure through the Bible for your children!
Today Edgar, Asia, and Kat are having a picnic. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today the Deep Blue Kids notice that Speedy the turtle is having trouble staying awake. This reminds Kat of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
The Deep Blue Kids and their church family celebrate Palm Sunday.
Today Edgar is trying to move a big rock. Let's watch and see what Bible story Kat tells today.
When Kat says that she has taught Cinnamon, her cat, how to fetch, Sophia doesn't believe her. She needs to see it for herself.
Today Edgar, Kat, Asia, and Caleb are going fishing. This reminds Asia of a time the disciples were fishing. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Kat tells a story that begins with Jesus and the disciples standing on a mountain.
Today Edgar, Kat, and Asia imagine what it would be like if the whole body were an eye.
Today Asia is trying to explain love to Edgar. Let's watch and listen to see what happens.
Today Asia tells Edgar and Kat a story about the selection of seven men for a special task.
Sophia and Rachel are practicing French. Sophia is reminded of when the disciples spoke in other languages because of the Holy Spirit.
Today Edgar and Indie are helping Kat by fixing her skateboard. Let's watch and see what happens.
Each week a child host engages children through storytelling, life application, and exploration of the faith word. Formerly available in Fall 2020.
Used in Fall 2021. Children will explore families in the Bible, learn how today's faith families care for children as they grow, build loving relationships, and...
Used in Fall 2022. Children will explore families in the Bible, learn how today's faith families care for children as they grow, build loving relationships, and...
Used in Fall 2023. Children will explore families in the Bible, learn how today's faith families care for children as they grow, build loving relationships, and...
Join Hackspert Sierra as she adds a splash of personality to everyday notebooks.
For today's hack, Hackspert Theo shows how you can stay organized by transforming traditional clipboards into a crafted goal chart and how to spread a little ki...
Join Hackspert Sierra as she teaches how to personalize everyday summer items.
Join Hackspert Theo as he shows how to make a unique mat and an organizer for your bedroom.
For this hack, Hackspert Sierra shows how a DVD case can be used to create a fun game and how a sandwich box can be used for craft supply storage.
Join Hackspert Theo to learn how to make a fun glow lantern and a game board that are perfect for sleepovers.
Hackspert Sierra shows how to create a simple indoor garden and terrarium.
Join Hackspert Theo as he shows how to have fun and stay cool on hot summer days with sponge ball and lemon ice.
Music video for When You Believe
Music video for Upon This Rock
Music video for The Week that Changed the World
Music video for Step By Step
Music video for Manger and Miracle.
Join the Deep Blue Kids for a fun trivia game from the series Deep Blue Connects: At Home With God.
Join the Deep Blue kids for trivia taken from the Communities Welcome unit of Loving God, Loving Neighbor
Join the Deep Blue kids for trivia taken from the Community Foundations unit of Loving God, Loving Neighbor
Music video for Let's Go Deep Blue
Music video for It's Morning All Over The World.
Music video for Shining Through
A second music video for Shining Through
Music video for Rainbow Promise.
Join the Deep Blue kids with trivia taken from the Go and Tell unit of Learn and Serve
Join the Deep Blue kids for this fun trivia, taken from Unit 1 (In the Name of the Lord) of Learn & Serve
Join the Deep Blue Kids in this fun trivia game, taken from the Deep Blue Learn & Serve "Change Your Hearts and Lives" unit.
Join the Deep Blue Kids with trivia from the We Are Family unit of Deep Blue Connects
Music video for I Am God's Voice
Music video for God's Creation.
Music video for God Will Make You Strong.
Music video for God Chose Jesus.
Music video for God Be With Us.
Music video for Get Out The Word.
Music video for Anything is Possible.
Music video for All About Love
Music video for Every Step of the Way.
Music video for Down To The River.
Music video for Blessings and Birthrights.
Music video for Being Free.
Music video for the Winter 2021-2022 Quarter.
Music video for the song Kind & Brave
Music video for Make Things Right.
Music video for Celebrate Wonder.
Music video for Remember Your Love.
Music video for A Strong Wind.
Music video for Tell Somebody.
Music video for We All Belong.
Music video for Very Good.
Music video for Reason to Believe.
Music video for Everywhere You Go.
Music video for Follow As You Go.
Music video for Joy.
Kids love this fun retelling of this Bible story of God providing Manna and Quail to the Israelites.
Kids love this fun retelling of the Bible Story.
Kids love this fun retelling of the Bible Story of Daniel.
Great for opening, sending off, and closing sessions of your Food Truck Party VBS program! Music Video includes song lyrics.
Includes words to the "Daily Specials" for Food Truck party that make up the popular mealtime prayer, "God is great…" Includes song lyrics.
Nice musical setting of the Lord's prayer. Great for Food Truck Party VBS and other worship settings. Music video includes lyrics.
Perfect for session 1 of Food Truck Party VBS, this video tells the story of God providing Manna and Quail to the Israelites in the dessert. Includes lyrics.
Can be used with Session 2 of Food Truck Party VBS or other worship settings. Lyrics included in video.
Great for Session 3 of Food Truck Party VBS. Retells the story of Daniel and Friends eating the Good Stuff! Lyrics included with video.
Can be used with any session of Food Truck Party VBS or other worship settings. Video includes lyrics.
Can be used with Session 4 of Food Truck Party VBS, this song tells the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 plus. Lyrics included.
Can be used with any session of Food Truck Party VBS or other worship settings. Lyrics included with music video.
Can be used with Session 5 of Food Truck Party VBS or other worship settings. Lyrics included.
The Lighthouse Keeper, Beacon the Explorers search for the Infinity Lantern of Love using clues from the story of creation.
The Lighthouse Keeper, Beacon the Explorers search for the Infinity Lantern of Trust using clues from the story of Moses and the Burning Bush.
The Lighthouse Keeper, Beacon the Explorers search for the Infinity Lantern of Faith using clues from the story of Faith through the Roof.
The Lighthouse Keeper, Beacon the Explorers search for the Infinity Lantern of Joy using clues from the stories of the "Lost" Parables.
The Lighthouse Keeper, Beacon the Explorers search for the Infinity Lantern of Hope using clues from the story of Mary at the Tomb.
Edgar, Asia, and Kat are continuing to set up their Nativity set in the tree house. Let's see whom they add today.
Today Edgar, Kat, Caleb, and Asia are talking about good news.
Today, Caleb, Edgar, Asia, and Kat are fishing and discussing dreams. Let's watch and see what Bible story this reminds them of.
Asia, Edgar, and Kat are still setting up the Nativity scene in their tree house. Let's watch and see how Indie helps today.
Today Caleb, Kat, Asia, and Edgar are excited to arrive in Kenya. The Bible story they tell is about a couple of people that are also excited, but for a differe...
There are still a few Nativity figures in the box at the tree house. Let'ss watch and see who Edgar, Kat, and Asia find today.
Today, Asia, Kat, Caleb, and Edgar are looking for Indie. This reminds Asia of a time Mary and Joseph were searching for Jesus.
Today Kat, Asia, and Edgar are having a picnic. Let's watch and see what they are talking about.
Asia, Edgar, and Kat are talking about synagogues and the Sabbath. Let's watch.
Asia, Kat, and Edgar are going fishing. Let's watch and see if they catch anything.
Today Kat's sneezes make Edgar and Asia wonder if she's getting sick. Let's watch and see what Bible story this reminds them of.
Benjie, Edgar's father, teaches the kids in Sunday school about the Beatitudes.
Kat, Edgar, Asia, Caleb, and Mercy are watching it rain. This reminds Kat of a Bible story about a storm. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Kat tells Edgar and Asia about a funny dream she had. Let's watch and see what Bible story that reminds Asia of.
Today Edgar, Kat, and Asia meet someone new. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Caleb invites Asia, Edgar, and Kat to visit the lighthouse. They begin talking about storing food and that reminds Kat of another part of the story of Jos...
Today Kat, Edgar, and Asia are at the lighthouse with Caleb. They continue telling the story of Joseph. Let's watch and see happens.
Today Edgar is looking for baskets stuck in the grass. Let's watch and see why Edgar is looking for baskets.
Today Kat and Caleb are talking to a bush. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today a bug reminds Asia of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today something reminds Edgar of a miracle that happened in the Bible. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Kat sings for Edgar, Asia, and Caleb. Let's watch and see what made Kat decide to sing.
Today Kat, Edgar, Asia, and Caleb are thirsty. Let's watch and see what story that reminds them of.
Today Caleb and Edgar are looking for words written on rocks. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar is building something. Let's watch and see what story this reminds Kat of.
Asia, Edgar, and Kat ask Caleb to tell a Bible story.
Katherine helps to settle a dispute on the soccer field. She tells them about a woman in the Bible who helped settle disputes.
Today the Deep Blue kids make an exciting discovery and tell the story of Hannah praying in the temple. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar takes a break from repairing the ship the Deep Blue kids found to tell the story of God calling Samuel. Let's watch and see what happens.
Caleb and his mom, Maggie, talk about how Jack teaches Caleb and talks to him about important things. Maggie tells Caleb about Eli and Samuel.
Today the Deep Blue kids tell the story of the Israelite people asking Saul for a king. Let's watch and see what happens.
Caleb, Kat, Asia, and Edgar are on their way to Guatemala. As they travel, Kat tells the story of Samuel anointing King David. Let's watch and see what happ...
Today the Deep Blue kids arrive in Guatemala and head for a church they will be visiting. As they travel, Asia tells Caleb, Kat, and Edgar another story about D...
Today Asia tells a Bible story about a time David danced. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today the Deep Blue Kids and their friend, Carlos, are talking about Solomon building the temple. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Caleb tells Edgar, Kat, and Asia a story about animals delivering food. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar is having trouble getting the campfire started. This reminds him of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Asia is pouring lemonade for Edgar, Caleb, and Kat. When the lemonade runs out, Kat is reminded of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
Rachel is running for student council. Sophia is helping her with posters. Rachel and Sophia tell Mr. Maxwell the story of Josiah.
Used in Spring 2022. Children will explore families in the Bible, learn how today's faith families care for children as they grow, build loving relationships, a...
Used in Summer 2022. Children will explore families in the Bible, learn how today's faith families care for children as they grow, build loving relationships, a...
Samuel invites children to explore Pentecost through the Spirit.
Samuel invites children to explore the Spirit through guidance.
Samuel invites children to explore spiritual gifts through guidance.
Samuel invites children to explore fruit of the Spirit through guidance.
Carly invites children to explore praise through dancing as worship.
Carly invites children to explore praise through shouts of joy as worship.
Carly invites children to explore the many ways to praise God through worship.
Carly invites children to explore praise through singing as worship.
Carly invites children to explore praising God by being who God created them to be.
Abigail invites children to explore Scripture through proverbs.
Abigail invites children to explore Scripture about God’s presence during change.
Abigail invites children to explore Scripture about being one body.
Abigail invites children to explore Scripture about focusing on good things and doing good in the world.
Today Edgar is repairing the boat. Let's watch and listen to see what story this reminds the kids of.
Today Asia continues telling the story of Noah. Let's watch and listen to see what happens today.
Today Kat, Asia, and Edgar race to the top of a hill. When they get there, Kat continues telling the story of Noah. Let's watch and listen to see what happe...
Today Edgar, Kat, and Asia are talking about rainbows. Let's watch and listen to see what happens today.
Edgar, Asia, and Kat are trying to fish.
Today Asia, Kat, and Edgar are talking about what makes people happy. Let's watch and listen.
Today Edgar is trying to teach Indie to sit. Let's watch and listen to find out what story this reminds Asia of.
Today Edgar tries to learn how to pronounce the name of King Saul's grandson. Let's watch and listen to see if he gets it.
Today Asia is sweeping the tree house and that reminds Kat of a story about working hard. Let's watch and listen to see what happens.
Today Asia tells the story about a boy who became king when he was 8 years old. Let's watch and listen to learn the king's name.
Today Edgar, Asia, and Kat are hiking on a new trail. Let's watch and listen.
Today Edgar, Asia, and Kat are talking about eating healthy food. Let's watch and listen.
Today Kat and Edgar are pretending to be in a jungle. Asia tells a story about a snake. Let's watch and see what happens.
The Deep Blue Kids bake bread for communion. They talk about traditions around food. Asia tells the story of Daniel and his food traditions.
Today Kat, Caleb, Asia, and Edgar are going fishing. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar and Indie are tempted by chocolate cake. Let's watch and see what happens.
Ms. Molly tells the kids about when she knew she wanted to use her gifts as a music minister. She tells them about how Levi was called to use his gifts for God.
Today Kat is telling Edgar, Caleb, and Asia the story of Queen Esther. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Kat, Asia, Caleb, and Edgar are playing hide and seek. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar, Asia, Caleb, and Kat are talking about wild animals. This reminds Asia of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Asia, Caleb, Edgar, and Kat say goodbye to Aurora and tell one more story about Paul. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today the Deep Blue kids arrive at the church in Guatemala and meet a new friend. This reminds Kat of a Bible story about David and his friend. Let's watch and ...
Abuela, Victor, and the kids talk about immigration, family, and the story of Ruth and Naomi.
Today the Deep Blue kids tell the story of Barnabas and Paul. Let's watch and see what happens.
Caleb and his family are on their way to a foot washing service at the church. Jack and Maggie explain to Caleb what they might experience together.
Today a small rock reminds Edgar of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what story he's thinking of.
Today Asia tells about a time Jesus was mistaken for a gardener. Let's watch and see what happens.
The Deep Blue Kids tell Coach Jess about what happened on Easter. They are reminded of when the men walking on the road to Emmaus were talking about what happen...
Today Edgar. Kat, and Asia are talking about sharing. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar, Kat, and Asia are stuck inside the tree house because it is rainy and windy.
Today Edgar, Kat, and Asia talk about the first time Jesus' followers were called Christians. Let's watch and see what happens.
Caleb, Maggie, and Jack are walking on the beach. Caleb is feeling anxious. His parents pray with him, and tell him about how Jesus prayed when he was feeling a...
Today Caleb is steering the ship, but the sun shining in his eyes is making it difficult to see. This reminds Edgar of a story in the Bible. Let's watch and...
Cinnamon seems to be stuck in a tree. Jack tries to help her get down like Paul's friends helped him escape.
Today Edgar, Kat, Caleb, and Asia find out what their new friend, Aurora's favorite color is. And Aurora tells a story from the Bible. Lets watch and see wh...
Today Aurora's story about her family singing reminds Kat of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar and Caleb are pretending to be Roman soldiers. Let's watch and see what Bible story the kids tell this week.
Today the Deep Blue kids are talking about languages. This reminds Edgar of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
Kat, Sophia, and Grammy are decorating their Christmas tree. Sophia finds an ornament with her name on it. They are reminded of the story of when John got his n...
As Asia, Edgar, Caleb, and Kat continue to travel to their next destination, they talk about angel visits and being afraid. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar tells Asia, Caleb, and Kat a story about shepherds.
The Deep Blue kids are in Kenya and looking for a place to land. Edgar's navigation method reminds Kat of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happen...
As the Deep Blue kids are leaving Alaska, Edgar is trying to write a prayer. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar tells Asia, Caleb, and Kat a story Jesus told about worrying. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Asia tells Kat, Edgar, and Caleb a Bible story that talks about how we treat people. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar is doing some gardening. Let's watch and see what Bible story he tells today.
Today Caleb removes a thorn from Indie's paw. Caleb's kindness reminds Kat of a parable Jesus told.
Today Asia realizes her microphone is missing. This reminds Kat and Edgar of two parables Jesus told about things that were lost.
Today Edgar, Caleb, Asia, and Kat are getting ready to go on a picnic. But first they talk about forgiveness.
Today Asia, Edgar, and Kat are decorating the tree house for Christmas. Let's watch and see what happens.
Kat, Asia, and Edgar are continuing to set up the Nativity set in their tree house. Let's see who they add to the scene today.
The Deep Blue Kids put on a Christmas play at church.
Today Asia tells Kat and Edgar about Jesus sending the disciples out to spread the good news. As you watch, pay attention to what the disciples were allowed to ...
Asia, Kat, and Edgar are talking about the followers of Jesus. Let's watch and listen.
Join our group of friends as they read the story of 1 Samuel 16:14-23 from the Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook.
Join our group of friends as they read how God created people in Genesis from the Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook.
In this episode, our readers learn about the Year of Jubilee from Deuteronomy 15.
Today's story from the Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook features The Forgiving Father from Luke 15.
Using the Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook, we learn about Jesus and the children from Mark 10.
In today's Bible lesson, the children read and learn about Jesus' resurrection in Matthew 8.
The children read about sharing in Acts 4, taken from the Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook.
The adventures in our reading fort continue with the story about how Jesus calmed the storm in Mark 4.
The children learn about how Jesus humbled himself by washing his disciples' feet in John 13.
In the final story from our reading tent, the children learn about parable of The Good Samaritan.
Music video for the Rolling River Rampage Theme.
Music video for Zacchaeus (Wee Little Man).
Music video for Overflowing.
Music video for I Will Be With You.
Music video for You Got a Seat.
Music video for I Come to You.
Music video for I've Got a River of Life.
Music video for No Matter What Comes My Way.
Music video for Life With You.
Music video for Here I Am.
Music video for Beautiful Ride.
Music video for On Our Way to Mars and Beyond
Music video for Movin' On
Music video for Even When The Lions Roar
Music video for Love That Makes The World Go 'Round
Music video for God Can Do
Music video for Just A Little Bit
Music video for Music for My Lord
Today Edgar is trying to convince Asia to play soccer. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Caleb doesn't want to play Frisbee with Edgar, Asia, and Kat because his toe hurts. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Asia is sorting her brother's outgrown clothes to donate to a clothing closet. Let's watch and see what Bible story this reminds the kids of.
Today Edgar opens the door for Kat but forgets to let her come in! Let's watch and see what Bible story this reminds the kids of.
Today the Deep Blue kids are camping. The campfire reminds Asia of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
Meet Kat, Asia, and Edgar and get a look at their tree house. Edgar is trying to use a flashlight to try to understand the beginning.
Today Edgar is excited to continue telling Kat and Asia the story of creation. He throws in a couple of tests to make sure they're paying attention. Let'...
Kat takes over the telling of the creation story and Edgar wonders why all people don't look alike.