
Barb Roose

Amplify HomeSpeakersBarb Roose

Barb Roose

Barb Roose is a popular speaker and author who is passionate about helping women apply the truths of God's Word to the practical realities and challenges they face in today's culture, equipping them to win at life with strength and dignity. She enjoys teaching and encouraging women at conferences and retreats across the country, as well as internationally. Barb is the author of four Bible studies (Surrendered, I'm Waiting, God, Joshua, Beautiful Already) and two books (Winning the Worry Battle, and Enough Already). She also writes a regular blog at BarbRoose.com and hosts the "Better Together" podcast. Previously Barb was executive director of Ministry at CedarCreek Church in Perrysburg, Ohio. Barb lives with her family in Toledo, Ohio.
