
Marian Jordan Ellis

Amplify HomeSpeakersMarian Jordan Ellis

Marian Jordan Ellis

Marian Jordan Ellis is passionate about Jesus and helping women experience the victorious Christian life. Having a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies, she served on the teaching team at Second Baptist Church in Houston for many years. Currently she is Director of Women’s Ministry at Mission City Church in San Antonio, where she hosts a monthly community Bible study for hundreds of women. As the founder of This Redeemed Life, a global movement of women transformed by the grace and truth of Jesus Christ, Marian speaks frequently at women’s conferences and events both domestically and internationally. When she is not on the road, she enjoys connecting with women through her Bible teachings and blog articles on the This Redeemed Life App, her website (ThisRedeemedLife.org), and YouTube channel. She is the author of Stand: Rising Up Against Darkness, Temptation, and Persecution and numerous other titles. Marian and her husband, Justin, have three children and one very spoiled dog.
