Our lessons come from the Book of Genesis, the book of beginnings. Through its pages, God is revealed as the Creator, Sustainer, Judge, and Redeemer who brought...
This fall, our lessons focus on God, what it means that we are created in God's image, and what it means to worship God alone. The writer of the student book le...
A comprehensive Bible study plan and spiritual practices to deepen your relationship with God! A comprehensive Bible study plan and spiritual practices to deep...
Does your group enjoy watching videos as a way to generate conversation around Bible studies? Would your teacher or group facilitator appreciate having the supp...
Hundreds of thousands of people each week have transformative encounters with God through Adult Bible Studies—Bible-based, Christ-focused Sunday school lesson...
Cultivate a deeper relationship with God through Adult Bible Studies. This resource, endorsed by the Curriculum Resources Committee of The United Methodist Chur...
Our lessons in this series survey calls to ministry and the expectations of those called with several drawn from the Gospels of Mark and Luke. We explore Paul's...
This spring, our lessons support the theme of "Life."
This Spring, lessons center around the theme "Holy."
Authentic discipleship involves imitating Jesus, and we must begin with an understanding of Jesus as Messiah and the kingdom to which he invites us to belong. W...
This spring, our lessons center around the theme “The Life of Faith.” The language of journey and pilgrimage is commonly used to describe the Christian life...
This spring, our Bible lessons follow the theme “Exclusion and Embrace.” They offer a series of lessons in two units during Lent and the weeks following tha...
Our sessions focus on how Jesus fulfilled the Law in the sense that it was given full meaning. Jesus emphasized the deep, underlying messages of the gospel; and...
Part of our most popular quarterly series for adults with a comprehensive Bible Study plan with more flexibility for you! This summer, our lessons support the t...
This Summer, lessons center around the theme “Respond.” The three units of Bible lessons in this quarter unify around the theme, Respond. The lessons move t...
The lessons this quarter begin with a look at the ministry of the Holy Spirit that brings new life to us as members of the body of Christ. Jesus tells the disci...
Our sessions begin with God's demands for our complete and undivided love as shown in passages from Deuteronomy and Psalms. They proceed with our response to Go...
This winter, our lessons support the theme of "Promise."
Winter Theme: Hope This winter, our lessons develop the theme of “Hope.” The writers of the student book lessons are Taylor Mills and Bruce Batchelor-Glade...
Perhaps at no other time during the year is the call of our faith more at odds with culture than during Advent. The Christian season that calls us to wait is me...
This winter, our Bible lessons follow the theme “Following Jesus.” They encourage us to consider what compels us to follow Jesus, what it means to be part o...
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