Join Hackspert Sierra as she adds a splash of personality to everyday notebooks.
For today's hack, Hackspert Theo shows how you can stay organized by transforming traditional clipboards into a crafted goal chart and how to spread a little ki...
Join Hackspert Sierra as she teaches how to personalize everyday summer items.
Join Hackspert Theo as he shows how to make a unique mat and an organizer for your bedroom.
For this hack, Hackspert Sierra shows how a DVD case can be used to create a fun game and how a sandwich box can be used for craft supply storage.
Join Hackspert Theo to learn how to make a fun glow lantern and a game board that are perfect for sleepovers.
Hackspert Sierra shows how to create a simple indoor garden and terrarium.
Join Hackspert Theo as he shows how to have fun and stay cool on hot summer days with sponge ball and lemon ice.
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