Today the Deep Blue kids are hiking. Caleb thinks he might be getting sick and that reminds Kat of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar climbs a tree. Let's watch and find out why.
Today Caleb offers Asia, Kat, and Edgar a snack of bread. Let's watch and see what Bible story this reminds them of.
Today the Deep Blue Kids notice that Speedy the turtle is having trouble staying awake. This reminds Kat of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today the Deep Blue kids are talking about being scared. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Kat, Asia, Caleb, and Edgar are talking about palm leaves. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar is trying to move a big rock. Let's watch and see what Bible story Kat tells today.
Today Edgar, Kat, Asia, and Caleb are going fishing. This reminds Asia of a time the disciples were fishing. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Caleb, Edgar, Kat, and Asia are talking about feeding dogs, turtles, and sheep. Let's watch and see what happens.
Layla, Asia's mom, is reporting for the news while the Kids are putting together flood buckets to help people who are cleaning up after a flood. They talk about...
Today Asia is sorting her brother's outgrown clothes to donate to a clothing closet. Let's watch and see what Bible story this reminds the kids of.
Today Edgar and Caleb are pretending to be Roman soldiers. Let's watch and see what Bible story the kids tell this week.
Today Edgar opens the door for Kat but forgets to let her come in! Let's watch and see what Bible story this reminds the kids of.
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