Meet Kat, Asia, and Edgar and get a look at their tree house. Edgar is trying to use a flashlight to try to understand the beginning.
Today Edgar is excited to continue telling Kat and Asia the story of creation. He throws in a couple of tests to make sure they're paying attention. Let'...
Kat takes over the telling of the creation story and Edgar wonders why all people don't look alike.
Today Kat and Edgar are pretending to be in a jungle. Asia tells a story about a snake. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Asia continues telling the story of Noah. Let's watch and listen to see what happens today.
Today Edgar is repairing the boat. Let's watch and listen to see what story this reminds the kids of.
Today Kat, Asia, and Edgar race to the top of a hill. When they get there, Kat continues telling the story of Noah. Let's watch and listen to see what happe...
Today Edgar, Kat, and Asia are talking about rainbows. Let's watch and listen to see what happens today.
Today Kat tells Edgar and Asia about a funny dream she had. Let's watch and see what Bible story that reminds Asia of.
Today Edgar, Kat, and Asia meet someone new. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Caleb invites Asia, Edgar, and Kat to visit the lighthouse. They begin talking about storing food and that reminds Kat of another part of the story of Jos...
Today Kat, Edgar, and Asia are at the lighthouse with Caleb. They continue telling the story of Joseph. Let's watch and see happens.
Today Edgar, Kat, Caleb, and Asia are trying to find their way back to the treehouse. Let's watch and see what happens.
Asia, Kat, and Edgar begin reading the story of Abraham and Sarah
Edgar and Kat want to sit on the same log. Asia reminds them of the story of Abraham and Lot.
Kat bakes cookies and shares them with Edgar and Asia Kat is reminded of a story of hospitality in the Bible.
Asia, Edgar, and Kat are taking a hike. They talk about a journey that Abraham's servant took.
Edgar, Kat, and Asia are fishing. At first they aren't having any luck.
Asia is teaching Edgar how to make a peanut butter sandwich and Kat tells a story about a bowl of stew.
Edgar, Kat, and Asia are playing a trivia game.
Today Asia and Kat are roasting marshmallows and Edgar is trying to use a rock for a pillow. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Kat is telling Edgar, Caleb, and Asia the story of Queen Esther. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar, Asia, Caleb, and Kat are talking about wild animals. This reminds Asia of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Kat, Caleb, Asia, and Edgar are going fishing. Let's watch and see what happens.
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