Deep Blue Learn & Serve | Kenya Bible Story Trivia | 2017
A weekly adventure through the Bible for your children!
Today the Deep Blue kids make an exciting discovery and tell the story of Hannah praying in the temple. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar takes a break from repairing the ship the Deep Blue kids found to tell the story of God calling Samuel. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today the Deep Blue kids tell the story of the Israelite people asking Saul for a king. Let's watch and see what happens.
Caleb, Kat, Asia, and Edgar are on their way to Guatemala. As they travel, Kat tells the story of Samuel anointing King David. Let's watch and see what happ...
Today Edgar is playing the ukulele to help pass the time as the kids travel to Guatemala. This reminds Edgar of a Bible story about someone playing music. Let&#...
Today the Deep Blue kids arrive at the church in Guatemala and meet a new friend. This reminds Kat of a Bible story about David and his friend. Let's watch and ...
Today the Deep Blue kids are in Guatemala and their new friend, Carlos, shares his breakfast with them. Edgar tells a Bible story about someone sharing food wit...
Today Asia tells a Bible story about a time David danced. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Kat tells Asia, Caleb, Edgar, and Carlos about Solomon becoming king. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Carlos tells Edgar, Kat, Asia, and Caleb about some wise things Solomon said. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today the Deep Blue Kids and their friend, Carlos, are talking about Solomon building the temple. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today the Deep Blue Kids are saying goodbye to Carlos. Before they leave, Kat tells a Bible story about Solomon. Let's watch and see what happens.
The Deep Blue kids are in Kenya and looking for a place to land. Edgar's navigation method reminds Kat of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happen...
The Deep Blue kids have landed in Kenya and they meet a girl collecting water. This reminds Edgar of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
Kat, Caleb, Asia, and Edgar are still in Kenya getting to know their new friend, Mercy. Mercy's family has a cow. Watching how much the cow eats reminds Kat...
Today, Asia, Kat, Edgar, and Caleb learn some words in Kiswahili. And they tell a Bible story about water. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Caleb, Kat, Edgar, and Asia are helping their friend, Mercy, harvest sweet potatoes. This reminds Asia of a Bible story about friends. Let's watch and...
Kat, Edgar, Asia, Caleb, and Mercy are watching it rain. This reminds Kat of a Bible story about a storm. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Edgar, Kat, Asia, and Caleb say goodbye to Mercy. But before they leave they tell one more Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
As the Deep Blue Kids are traveling away from Kenya, Edgar, Asia, Kat, and Caleb are cleaning the decks of their ship. The scent of the soap in the water remind...
Today Caleb, Asia, Edgar, and Kat are getting ready to share a meal. This reminds them of a meal Jesus shared with his disciples. Let's watch and see what h...
Today Kat, Edgar, Asia, and Caleb are remembering Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Kat tells Edgar, Caleb, and Asia the story of the first Easter morning. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Caleb is steering the ship, but the sun shining in his eyes is making it difficult to see. This reminds Edgar of a story in the Bible. Let's watch and...
Today Edgar, Kat, Caleb, and Asia meet a new friend in Alaska and tell another story about Paul. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today the Deep Blue kids tell the story of Barnabas and Paul. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today the Deep Blue kids are learning about the toe jump from their new friend, Aurora. They also tell a Bible story about Timothy.
Today Edgar, Kat, Caleb, and Asia find out what their new friend, Aurora's favorite color is. And Aurora tells a story from the Bible. Lets watch and see wh...
Today Aurora's story about her family singing reminds Kat of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today the Deep Blue kids are talking about languages. This reminds Edgar of a Bible story. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Asia, Caleb, Edgar, and Kat say goodbye to Aurora and tell one more story about Paul. Let's watch and see what happens.
As the Deep Blue kids are leaving Alaska, Edgar is trying to write a prayer. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Asia tells Kat, Edgar, and Caleb a Bible story that talks about how we treat people. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Kat, Asia, Caleb, and Edgar are talking about money. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today the Deep Blue kids find out they are headed for Armenia and they talk about building houses. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today the Deep Blue kids arrive in Armenia and Asia tells a story Jesus told about forgiveness. Let's watch and see what happens.
The Deep Blue kids have arrived in Armenia. Kat tells a story Jesus told about a tiny seed. Let's watch and see what happens.
Asia, Caleb, Edgar, and Kat are continuing to get to know their new friend, Armen. Edgar tells a story Jesus told. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Armen explains to Caleb, Asia, Kat, and Edgar how he can dance even though he can't hear the music. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today Asia tells a Bible story about a person Jesus met. Let's watch and see what happens.
Today the Deep Blue kids say goodbye to their friend, Armen. Let's watch and see what happens.
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