Broken and Blessed | Previews and More | 2014 | How God Used One Imperfect Family to Change the World
Introduction to the Broken and Blessed six-week study.
Speakers:Jessica LaGrone
Writers:Jessica LaGrone
Topics:ForgivenessGenesisGraceJosephWomen's Bible Study
Source:Abingdon Press
Let God use your family's imperfections for His purposes
In Session 1: Adam and Eve, Jessica uses the story of Adam and Eve to illustrate how, despite our brokenness, we still have God's grace.
In session 2: Abraham and Sarah, Jessica uses the story of Abraham and Sarah to show how even imperfect people can be blessed and also be a blessing to others.
In Session 3: Isaac and Rebekah, Jessica uses the story of Isaac and Rebekah to explore our faith heritage and the legacy that we leave behind.
In Session 4: Jacob and Esau, Jessica uses the story of Jacob and Esau to explore favoritism in families and to show how God shows His affection equally.
In Session 5: Rachel and Leah, Jessica uses the story of Rachel and Leah to show how jealousy can hurt us and others.
In Session 6: Joseph, Jessica uses the story of Joseph and his brothers to show how we can be a blessing to the world.
How God Used One Imperfect Family to Change the World
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