Teaching With Confidence | Season 1 | 1900 | Training videos to help your teachers and volunteers teach with confidence.
Volunteers gives some ideas for recruiting and retaining volunteers.
Speakers:Brittany Sky
Writers:LJ Zimmerman
Topics:TeacherChildrenTrainingTipsTeachingSunday SchoolDeep BlueVolunteers
Source:Abingdon Press
Training videos to help your teachers and volunteers teach with confidence.
Deep Blue Connects is a comprehensive three-year Bible study with stories organized by theme: Family, Community, and World.
Play helps teachers incorporate different types of play in the classroom so children can fully experience the Bible story each week.
Flow of a Lesson walks through the best ways of flowing through a Sunday school session.
Learning Styles goes through an overview of the eight different learning styles. Knowing the ways different people can learn helps teachers plan activities so e...
Inclusion of Children with Disabilities helps churches create effective ministry programs for children with differing abilities.
Family Ministry helps churches develop a strategy for connecting with parents and caregivers.
Choosing Curriculum walks through best practices for choosing curriculum resources for your children, youth, and adults.
Intentional Space helps leaders arrange and organize the classroom so the room is a conducive learning environment for the kids and teachers.
Children in Worship helps congregations think through ways to include children in the life of the church.
Why Teachers Matter is an inspirational video meant to encourage and empower your church and your teachers. What they do DOES make an impact on the children in ...
Sacred Conversations helps teachers and parents have meaningful conversations together as children process and make meaning in the world.
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