Submerge: Deep Blue for Tweens | Lent and Easter | 2018 | God's love is an ocean. Dive in!
Julianne discusses the story of the Last Supper and reflects on the meaning of Communion.
Speakers:Julianne Snape
Writers:Julianne Snape
Topics:Luke 22:7-23JesusCommunionLast SupperTweens
Source:Abingdon Press
God's love is an ocean. Dive in!
Julianne tells the story of the first humans and reflects on God's plan for loving, caring human relationships.
Brandon shares the story of the Tower of Babel and reflects on our human instinct to fear those who are different from us.
Julianne tells the story of Abraham almost sacrificing Isaac and reflects on how we understand difficult Bible stories.
Brandon tells the story of Jacob and Esau and reflects on the power of forgiveness.
Brandon discusses the story of Joseph and his brother and reflects on the power of reconciliation. He tells the story of the Truth and Reconciliaton Commission ...
Julianne tells the story of God providing for the Israelites in the wilderness and reflects on trusting God.
Brandon tells the story of the battle of Jericho and reflects on the importance of working as a team.
Brandon explores the story of Samson and reflects on the relationship between power and responsibility.
Julianne shares the story of Samuel anointing Saul and discusses how we discern God's will for our lives.
Brandon tells the story of Solomon meeting God in the temple. He challenges the students to think about how they encounter God in other places, outside the chur...
Julianne shares the story of the Israelites returning from exile and reflects on God's faithfulness in difficult times.
Julianne shares a prophecy from the Book of Zephaniah and reflects on God's triumph over evil.
Brandon explores a prophecy from Isaiah and the connection between Advent and hope.
Julianne tells the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth and reflects on how difficult it can be to trust God after disappointment.
Julianne tells the story of Mary and Joseph and discusses the importance of trusting God in times of uncertainty.
Brandon tells the story of Jesus' birth and reflects on the meaning of Emmanuel--God with us.
Brandon tells the story of the magi visiting Jesus and encourages the students to consider what gifts they can give to Jesus.
Julianne tells the story of Jesus' baptism and reflects on how we experience God's grace in baptism.
Brandon tells the story of the first disciples' call and reflects on the meaning of discipleship.
Brandon shares some of the teachings of Jesus found in the Sermon on the Plain and discusses the challenge of the Golden Rule.
Julianne shares the story of the woman who anointed Jesus' feet and reflects on the power of forgiveness and reconciliaton.
Julianne tells the story of Jesus calming the sea and reflects on how God protects us when we have faith AND when we're freaking out.
Brandon tells the story of the transfiguration and reflects on the surprises that come with a life of faith.
Brandon tells the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. He invites the students to bring their full selves, and all their emotions, to worship.
Julianne tells the story of the widow who gave two coins and reflects on different ways we can give to God and others.
Brandon tells the story of Jesus' prayer before his crucifixion and discusses the many forms of prayer.
Julianne reflects on Jesus' forgiveness in the midst of suffering and shares the story of Ruby Bridges, one of the first African American children to attend a f...
Brandon tells the story of Jesus' passion and reflects on how difficult it is to face the reality of death.
Brandon explores the story of Jesus' resurrection and how difficult it can be to understand. He invites the students to ask questions and explore their own unde...
Julianne discusses the disciples' encounter with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. She wonders why they didn't recognize him, and challenges students to look for Jes...
Brandon shares a story of the disciples' encounter with Jesus post-Resurrection and reflects on the peace that comes from encountering Jesus.
Brandon tells the story of Jesus' ascension and reflects on the importance of waiting and praying before making big decisions.
Julianne shares the story of Pentecost and reflects on the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives.
Brandon explores the story of the first seven deacons and discusses the importance of sharing power.
Julianne tells the story of Paul's encounter with Jesus and reflects on the meaning of conversion.
Brandon tells the story of Paul and Barnabas and reflects on an invitational approach to evangelism.
Julianne tells the story of Paul and Silas in prison and reflects on the different ways Paul and Silas are examples of discipleship.
Brandon tells the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal and encourages students to consider possible idols in their own lives.
Julianne discusses the story of Elisha and the widow and reflects on the power of asking God for help.
Brandon talks about the prophet Jeremiah's persistence and the importance of truth-telling.
Julianne tells the story of Daniel and the lion's den and reflects on the peace that comes from a strong relationship with God.
Brandon tells the parable of the good Samaritan and invites the students to explore how to make the "road to Jericho" safer for everyone.
Julianne shares some of Jesus' teachings about humility and reflects on how she practices humility in her own life.
Brandon tells the parable of the lost son and reflects on how we experience God's love in our families.
Julianne tells the parable of the talents and challenges students to use their talents for God's kingdom.
Brandon tells the parable of the tenant farmers and explores how Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith.
Julianne leads the students in the spiritual practice of lectio divina, using Proverbs 3:1-12.
Brandon shares some proverbs about watching what you say and reflects on the power of words.
Julianne discusses the wisdom found in the Book of Ecclesiastes and reflects on "the bigger picture."
Julianne discusses the wisdom found in the Book of Ecclesiastes and reflects on various seasons of faith.
Chelsea shares some of the hopes and dreams of Jesus' ancestors had about the Messiah, and reflects on the hopes and dreams the students' communities have for t...
Brandon tells the story of Jesus hanging out in the temple as a preteen. He reflects on how it can be hard to talk to your parents at this age, and why it's imp...
Chelsea shares the story of John the Baptist's relationship with Jesus.
Brandon shares the story of Jesus calling the first disciples and reflects on the inclusive, non-traditional "family" Jesus formed with his disciples.
Chelsea discusses the time when Jesus declared his family to be those who follow God's will and reflects on the concept of chosen family.
Brandon recounts the story of Rachel and Leah, and discusses the challenge of finding your self-worth in your relationship with God, rather than through competi...
Chelsea recounts the story of Joseph and his brothers, and reflects on the challenge of loving and forgiving siblings.
Brandon discusses the story of Moses, Miriam and Aaron, and how heroes often have an essential cast of supporting characters.
Chelsea tells the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, and discusses Martha's courage in asking hard questions.
Brandon tells the story of Ruth and Naomi, and discusses his experience with prejudice and reconciliaton.
Chelsea tells the story of Hannah, Samuel and Eli, and discusses the ways we can be nurtured and mentored by people in our church family.
Brandon explores the friendship between Jonathan and David, and reflects on how important it is to have good friends who support you through thick and thin.
Chelsea shares the story of Esther, who was raised by her cousin Mordecai, and reflects on the various ways families can be formed.
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