Connected Faith | Grace
In today’s video, Mary-Kate explores the concept of being clothed by God, and considers how God’s clothing is both a means of protection and a means of grace.
Speakers:Mary-Kate Myers
Writers:Mary-Kate Myers
Topics:Genesis 3:21; Genesis 4:10-16AdamEveCainclothed
Source:Abingdon Press
A Bible Study App
In today's video, Jefferson explores the story of Zacchaeus and how Zacchaeus's need to see Jesus led to him being seen by Jesus. In Zacchaeus, Jesus saw what h...
Amanda explores the baggage we carry with us, both literally and figuratively, and encourages us to consider the ways Jesus invites us to put down our baggage a...
In our crazy, hectic lives, Carlos considers the way we treat our time as currency, something that must be protected and hoarded. The story of the Good Samarita...
An interview with Ingrid McIntyre, the executive director of Open Table Nashville, against the story of the Gentile Woman's Daughter helps us explore what it me...
In today's video, Sarah explores what it means that God's creativity is imbued in us. Through an old family recipe, Sarah learns that our creativity, like God's...
Through a comparison of the first two creation stories in Genesis, we see two different images of God. Sarah compares these two stories and explores what the pe...
Sarah explores our relationship with darkness, why so many fear darkness, and what our relationship with darkness means for a scripture that tells us of the pre...
This visual presentation of Proverbs 8 gives us an entrance point in exploring wisdom as an attribute of God.
This interfaith conversation with Julie Greenberg and Sarah Jennings explores the ways the Christian and Jewish faiths understand God's revelation on earth.
A science experiment provides insight into the story of Achan and the ways our sin doesn't stay contained within the experience, but permeates all of our lives ...
Psalm 51 is a well-known prayer of repentance. Scott speaks the words of the prayer and explores the concept of repentance and its powerful ability to transform...
What does it mean to be born anew? Scott seeks to understand what it means to be continually born again through considering the story of a friend who finds new ...
Spiritual practices enable us to embody routine that shapes and forms our spiritual life, providing paths to be transformed by God. In this video, Scott conside...
How do we incorporate a relationship with God into every aspect of our lives, instead of relegating it to another item on our to-do list? Join April as she cons...
The story of the Israelites creating the Gold Bull Calf helps us consider our own relationship with idols and our desire to fix issues quickly instead of waitin...
We often try to understand God within the limits of our own vocabulary or experiences. Habakkuk's words remind us that God is much more than we can comprehend.
Paul's experience in Athens provides a challenge to us to seek to have a deep relationship with God, and a reminder that God calls each of us to that deep relat...
Through Abram's story of building altars along his journey, Sam challenges us to explore our understanding of sanctuary and worship, challenging our preconceive...
The word "co-heir" tells us that our faith is not individual, but is wrapped up in those who have come before and those who will come after us. Join Sam as she ...
As we long for and experience new things, are we willing to let go of the old to make room for that newness? Sam encourages us to consider what it would mean to...
That news of Jesus came to Joseph in a dream causes Sam to consider the importance of our dreams today. After the moment of clarity has become fuzzy, how do we ...
In the opening verses of Acts, Jesus' disciples are told to wait for the Holy Spirit. Sam explores this transitional time, times of waiting, and how we are shap...
In the opening verses of Acts, Jesus’ disciples are told to wait for the Holy Spirit. Sam explores this transitional time, times of waiting, and how we a...
We hear Ruth's commitment to Naomi so often that we might forget its true importance. What does it mean to truly commit to walking with someone through life, wh...
Zach helps us see how David's desire to build a temple for God is an expression of what David wants, not what God wants. God, instead, seeks to build a covenant...
Even far from their home and from all things that remind them of God, Jeremiah's words reach the people and remind them of God's enduring presence. That same pr...
In today's video, Sarah explores what makes a place holy and challenges us to consider the holy spaces in our lives.
What's the difference between a routine and a ritual? In today's video Sarah considers the difference between the two and encourages us to consider how our ritu...
In today's video, Sarah has a conversation with scripture, responding to the psalmist’s declarations.
Sarah interviews Gabby and Scott Dannemiller about their experiences of seeking purpose and living into what they feel called to do, even when it doesn't make a...
Beth explores the embodiment of keeping God's commandments, and how that embodiment shows both God's care for our physical bodies and the ways we can use routin...
Through the lens of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal, Beth asks us to consider literary genre in the Bible and how the ways we approach Scripture affect what we ...
Our collective memory writes the story of who we are, and remembering both our past triumphs and failures shapes us as a people.
The prophetic writing in the book of Hosea is challenging. Beth challenges us to not put aside the complexity of the text while finding meaning there.
The metaphor of God's people as sheep is a common occurrence in Scripture. Sarah explores this metaphor, looking for deeper meaning than we may be used to findi...
Sarah encourages us to consider the important role even small characters play in the scriptural stories, such as the soldier who guarded Daniel and his friends.
We are encouraged to bring a fresh look to the stories we likely heard as children as we approach them as adults.
Sarah challenges us to consider how the model of the Israelites rememberance can encourage us to be honest and faithful in how our remembering shapes who we are...
Adam explores his early experiences with technology and the ways in which our experiences with technology shape who we are.
The internet provides opportunities for connection that can turn into communion. We can see God's direction guiding our lives online as well as "IRL," if we onl...
While the internet can bring us together, we always confront a wall of separation when we engage with others via technology. Adam challenges us to be aware of t...
Trending away from the dangers of technology, we can be aware of the ways in which our senses are muted and seek out opportunities to engage our whole body in o...
How does our interaction via technology shape our expecations of our interaction with God? Looking at the expereince of prayer, Adam reminds us that a relations...
Our final week considers spiritual practices associated with technology, and Adam explores an important practice: that of a tech sabbath. By shutting off our ac...
As children, we all likely had experiences of being “banished”—being sent away in punishment or not allowed to participate in something. Toi shares her ow...
Though our experiences of darkness are unique and different, the central experience of feeling abandoned and alone is universal, so universal that even Jesus hi...
“Our story of faith is one of returning to the wilderness over and over again.” Toi explores what wilderness means, what it represents, and what purpose it ...
Toi explores the spiritual practice of fasting, considering how it has been a part of our faith story and expanding our understanding of what it means to fast t...
Time in the wilderness often follows the death or destruction of something momentous. At the end of 2 Kings, the Israelites find themselves in exile, facing the...
Mary-Kate shares a personal story of life-giving water that didn’t remove the challenges or fears her family faced but instead provided light in the midst of ...
In today’s video, Mary-Kate explores the concept of being clothed by God, and considers how God’s clothing is both a means of protection and a means of grac...
Mary-Kate takes a closer look not just at the manna God provided the Israelites in the wilderness, but the way in which that manna was provided—daily, and req...
In today’s interview, Mary-Kate and Bo Myers discuss what salvation and grace mean in their local contexts and how our understanding of the grace Jesus offere...
This video incorporates the words from the prophet Joel shared by Peter at Pentecost in a variety of languages, allowing viewers to experience just a taste of t...
Jesus’ death has become such a central understanding in Christian contexts that it’s difficult to comprehend that he was crucified because his behavior was ...
In today's video, Keith considers how the proclamation of Jesus’ resurrection first by women shows how God moves in our world outside of our normal expectatio...
As the people of Israel are called to rebuild the temple, the struggle to complete the task. Perhaps they are still too caught up in what was to move forward to...
We often identify with the hero of the story. But John the Baptist’s proclamation of the coming Messiah reminds us that we each have an important place in the...
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