Amplify Media

The Gospel of John Preview

John’s Gospel offers readers a new language—of being born anew, of living water, of wind and spirit, of the “I am”—that enhances how we understand the divine, how we experience the world, and how we participate in the mystery of faith.

The Christmas Letters Preview

Magrey deVega invites you to hear about the miracle of Christ’s birth from those who first told the story. The letters in the New Testament, known as the Epistles, contain the first attempts by the church to understand and celebrate the mystery of the Incarnation.

Experiencing Christmas Preview

Everything seems different at the end of the year. We put lights on our houses to dispel the growing darkness, Christmas music floods local radio stations, apple cider and cranberry sauce are again on the menu, and wrapping paper and tape are always ready. Things just look, smell, and taste differently during the Advent and Christmas season, and these differences are a sign to us that God is about to do something radical and different. Christmas is when God surrounded the divine with senses of his own.

On The Way to Bethlehem Preview

On the Way to Bethlehem follows the long journey to Christmas. The story begins in Rome with a decree issued from the seat of worldly power for a census, setting into motion events leading to the birth of the Savior of the world in a town that represents the very opposite of worldly power, Bethlehem.

Cokesbury Kids Big Faith Fall 2024 Session 1: God Creates The Earth

Each session’s video features an animated life application scenario and a retelling of the Bible story. Children will enjoy exploring faith concepts in the context of everyday life. Thoughtful questions will be included at the end of each video for discussion and reflection.

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